Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 14 - Social Networking services

I have used a few different social networking services already, mainly Facebook and MySpace (although I haven't visited my MySpace profile for at least 6 months).

I can see some benefits for the State Library in having a presence in these services, but the benefits may only be small unless we could properly resource them. That is, one or more staff members would need to regularly maintain the profiles, post updates, reply to messages, check for notifications, etc.

Since starting this post, I have become a "fan" of Libraries Australia with my Facebook account. Is this the start of libraries colonising Facebook? Who knows?

And this is my last official post as part of the Learning 2.0 program. Hopefully I will be able to continue my learning on my own, however; that was the whole point, after all!

Is this the beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning?

Only time will tell....

Goodbye for now!


Codger Tate said...

I actually posted this on Friday, September 9, 2008.

But It shows the date of August 4, probably because that's when I saved my first draft.

I didn't realize Blogger calculated the dates like that. Live and Learn!

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Congratulations on finishing the course!
