Thursday, June 26, 2008

Week 12 - Mashups

Well, here it is. My Big Huge Labs mashup. Enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 11 - Podcasts and Audio

This has possibilities.

I downloaded a couple of ABC broadcasts, as well as one from the Wadsworth Public Library that I accessed through the Library Success wiki. I listened to them on my mp3 player while doing the shopping on Sunday.

It was very interesting, especially the public library one. Although not as professionally produced as the ABC podcasts, I chose one on a topic that interested me (slow food), and quite enjoyed it. Unfortunately, although my local library holds a few of the books mentioned in the podcast, they were all checked out when I went there that afternoon!

The State Library could podcast talks by staff and fellows, interviews with authors, presentations, and other similar things. Internally, maybe some meetings can be podcast for staff who were not able to attend (or who were there, but want to check their memory of what was said...)

There is considerable potential in podcasting.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Week 10 - Answer boards

I'm afraid I'm going to be a wet blanket again.

I really don't see any role for the State Library in "slamming the boards". Quite frankly, we are stretched to manage our existing services, without adding yet another one.

With the news of yet another budget cut this year, I think that trying to do more with less is a recipe for disillusionment.

Sorry to be so down on this one.


Week 9

Week 9 is (or, more accurately, was) another catch-up week.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 8, Part 3 - LibraryThing

Now this is fun! I can see myself spending a great many lunchtimes on this site!

LibraryThing is a fantastic idea.

For us at the State Library, perhaps it could be used to give a list of our newly purchased books, or something along those lines.

Week 8, Part 2 - Technorati

Not much luck with Technorati, I'm afraid.

The "bookmobile" search got quite a few hits, but the "nswpln2008" search only got 1 hit on basic and 2 hits on advanced, both of which were other SLNSW Learning 2.0 blogs!

Don't really see the usefulness of Technorati just yet.

Week 8, Part 1 -

So I've created my account and added (so far) one link, which had already been added by 139 other people.

My account is here. I'll try to add more to it later!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Week 7 – Online Video

The main constraint I have faced in exploring online video is time!

I just can’t seem to get the time to search through the huge number of videos available to find those that might interest me. The search functions in YouTube and Google Video are helpful, but I don’t find them as precise as, say, a library catalogue.

There are good videos out there – I’ve seen a few - but it’s a bit of a chore to sift through all the dross to find them.

As to how the State Library could use this technology, well, the obvious thing would be to create videos that promote the Library or give information about a certain aspect of our collections and exhibitions. These could be hosted on one of the video hosting sites, with embedded links in the State Library’s own website.

I can’t really think of any other great ideas on how to use online video, but if I do I’ll write a blog post about them!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tidying up loose ends

I'm looking at the activities for past weeks, and checking which activities I haven't completed yet.

One thing I forgot to do was find an image that illustrated one of the values of the State Library of NSW.

So here it is! Energy and Teamwork!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Checking out the blogs!

I've been having a look at some of the other blogs that are on the participants blog roll, I left comments on a couple.

There are some really impressive efforts! It's actually pretty inspiring (and just a tad intimidating) that people are doing such great work for the Learning 2.0 program.

I've even created RSS feeds for a few of the blogs that I particularly enjoyed reading.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 6 - RSS

I’m not sure I see the advantage of RSS yet. I have registered for Google Reader, and created RSS feeds from the Powerhouse Museum’s Picture of the Day, Librarybytes, ABS for Librarians, Undercover (the SMH book blog), and ABC news.

At the moment I probably won’t be using it at work, because I can’t seem to get Google Reader working on my work PC. I had to set it up and create the RSS feeds from my home PC. But that might just be something I need to talk to the Help Desk about.

There doesn’t seem to be a huge advantage to RSS compared to a good list of bookmarked sites. Perhaps I’m missing something.

I’ll give it more time…perhaps it will grow on me!


Friday, June 6, 2008

Week 5 - Catch up week

Phew! I guess I can skip over this one!

Week 4 - Wikis

The idea of Wikis sounds interesting; an online document that anyone (or anyone with the proper authorisation) can edit, which can be used as a way of pooling the talents of a number of people.

The Wikis I looked at were the SJCPL Subject Guides wiki, Book Lovers Wiki, and Wookieepedia. I’m particularly attracted to the idea of posting book reviews and similar information, but the idea of being able to correct erroneous information in a Wiki site does have its appeal. Unfortunately, either I don’t know enough or the information I looked at was all correct, because I couldn’t find any errors in the few pages I looked at!

There is an obvious danger of vandalism, though, and I think there needs to be some restrictions on access, to prevent the antisocial minority spoiling a Wiki for everyone else.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Week 3 - Flickr and photosharing

I’ve never looked at Flickr before. There are so many images here! Even just the photos of the State Library of NSW are many and varied. Here’s one of my favourites:

I just love the light and shadows in this image, and the way it brings out the lines of the Mitchell Wing building.

And here’s another image I found on Flickr that caught my eye:

It's always important to follow the rules, I believe!

Catching Up?

Well, it’s already week 8 of the SLNSW Learning 2.0 program, and I seem to have missed weeks 3 to 7. Things keep getting in the way!

Time for a big catch-up, I think!

I will try to do a week each day this week...