Monday, June 16, 2008

Week 7 – Online Video

The main constraint I have faced in exploring online video is time!

I just can’t seem to get the time to search through the huge number of videos available to find those that might interest me. The search functions in YouTube and Google Video are helpful, but I don’t find them as precise as, say, a library catalogue.

There are good videos out there – I’ve seen a few - but it’s a bit of a chore to sift through all the dross to find them.

As to how the State Library could use this technology, well, the obvious thing would be to create videos that promote the Library or give information about a certain aspect of our collections and exhibitions. These could be hosted on one of the video hosting sites, with embedded links in the State Library’s own website.

I can’t really think of any other great ideas on how to use online video, but if I do I’ll write a blog post about them!

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